
Who We Are?

With a combined 50 years’ experience in providing professional support to the energy industry, we are at the forefront of power systems engineering, including the power transmission and distribution sectors and the connection of renewable energy to existing power system networks.

Jennifer Chiu
Jennifer Chiu
Power Systems Engineer

Jennifer Chiu has over 20 years’ experience in the electricity industry. She has worked for power companies both in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. Her experience covers areas from transmission and distribution to generation development, and since 2009 she has been running her own consulting company, Ampere Power Consultants.

Her main skills are in the areas of power system modelling, analysis and technical documentation. Her most recent work includes, assisting distribution companies with their Customised Price-quality Path (CPP) submissions, this work includes the technical analysis and writing the project overview documents for Powerco’s regulatory submission.

Jennifer has also performed a backfilling role in Transpower’s Asset Management Planning team in the Secondary Assets’ group, providing support in the areas of electrical relays’ health and performance monitoring, composition of asset degradation and replacement business delivery plans, asset data management systems maintenance, and technical standards updates.

Rohan Fernando
Rohan Fernando
Principal Power Systems Engineer

Rohan has 30 years’ experience in the energy industry. Having worked for generation, transmission and distribution companies in New Zealand and Australia, he has a deep understanding of the power systems industry. In addition to running Ampere Power Consultants, Rohan has core skills in power systems strategic planning and project management, He also has recently developed capability in power systems analytics.


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