
What do we do?

Whether we’re working onsite with your team or working remotely from our offices, at APC we’re flexible to your requirements and can provide an extensive array of services to suit you and support your business.

Clients we have done work for include

Electricity Authority

Our Services

Regulatory analysis and advice
Transmission and distribution project planning
Power systems analysis studies
Competent in power systems modelling software
Business cases for network reinforcements and asset management
Asset management plans; power system asset health monitoring
Primary asset technical standards update
Transmission system near real time outage planning and assessment

major projects

Support to Powerco & Aurora Energy with their CPP submissions.
Powerco Aurora
Extensive support to Powerco and Aurora since 2016, including a role as Network Planning Manager at Aurora Energy.
Powerco Aurora
In house consultancy for Transpower’s Asset Management Asset Planning and Strategy and Performance teams.

Contact us for our latest Capability Statement

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